@accessibility Θ Cursed Despaired Paradise

Hey there! I love neocities because I believe in reclaiming the web as a democratic place for self expression, and the importance of carving out personal spaces without data harvesting and corporate-dictated censorship, etc etc etc, you know the drill, I'm sure. There are many better Web 1.0 revival manifestos to be found that capture everything I could possibly think to say with more eloquence and expertise.

I'm also incredibly sick of sterile corporate design. (See Every Fucking Bootstrap Website Ever, featuring "This Button Makes The Page Scroll").

I think there's an incorrect perception that accessible, mobile-friendly design needs to look like Every Bootstrap Website Ever, that our only two options when building personal websites are sterile, inoffensive corporate design or sites that are completely unusable on mobile, covered in overlapping images and blinking gifs. I also think that's a shame!

I did my level best to build a site that looks unique, has personality and web 1.0 charm, and is genuinely accessible for as many users as possible without defaulting to the design choices made by Every Bootstrap Website Ever. I'm also a complete amateur with very little practical web design experience and have no idea what I'm doing. Please let me know via my neocities profile if there's anything I can improve!

This page includes detailed content warnings and an inventory of what I've done so far in terms of accessible web design.

This section is empty! All I have is a homepage and the accessibility page. I'm committed to keeping this section up to date as I add content. My general plan going forward is to include a list of "general content warnings" to set a baseline that applies to the whole site. This content will be untagged. Anything in excess of these "general content warnings" will either be placed behind a click-through window or hosted on another website that allows for age verification (probably dreamwidth).

For example, cartoony, stylized blood will be displayed without a warning. I'm always slapping a bunch of blood on everything and would have nothing to post if I censored it. Gore featuring more realistic injuries and wounds will be displayed with a click-through content warning.

I used the Field Guide to Web Accessibility, found on theultimatemotherfuckingwebsite.com as a guide to design this site! I'm always open to constructive criticism and suggestions, and will implement any suggested changes ASAP. It's got:
  • Alternate Text! All non-decorative images (i.e. anything that isn't the header or background) are described with my best attempt at alternate text that conveys what you're looking at without being too long or burdensome. The gallery does not have alt text (it doesn't work with the lightbox code), but it does have image descriptions!
  • Accessible Typography! I try to limit the use of text in images. If an image does include text (i.e. comic panels), I use image descriptions to provide verbatim transcriptions of the text.
    I also made an effort to use simple fonts. The body text is Roboto Mono! Roboto is the default system font on Android and is also used by the UN, AND I just like it a lot!
    Outside of the logo, the site uses only three fonts. SquareFont for headers, Roboto for body text, and Type Writer for decorative text only.
    I used adjectival font sizes. Body text is "small" and headers are "medium". The text increases in size as you zoom in.
    No justified text.
  • Semantic Markup! The site layout is divided up using the "header", "nav", "main", and "footer" semantic tags.
  • ARIA labels! All interactive elements without text descriptions (so far, just the navigation menu on mobile) are explained with the aria-label attribute.
  • Color contrast! I tested all text on this site using the WebAIM Contrast Checker.
    Body text: 15.91:1
    Page titles: 10.53:1
    Navigation links: 14.38:1
    Section headers: 8.46:1
  • Responsive design! I used the w3.css responsive grid system to ensure that the site layout works on large, medium, and small screen sizes. I test the site using my desktop, my tablet, and my phone, and I do my best to design for all screen sizes.
  • No animated gifs/autoplaying animations! At time of writing, absolutely none.
  • No Javascript requirement! So far, only the gallery page uses Javascript (to allow for tag filtering). If you have JS disabled or are using a device that doesn't use JS, I would still love for you to see my art! If you have JS disabled, the main gallery page will provide a link to the JS-free version. The JS-free page is updated concurrently with the main page and styled exactly the same! It's also accessible from the sitemap.