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About Me
The Basics
Hey there! I'm egg and this is my website! I'm in my mid-20s, pretty fly for a white guy I think, and I draw a little bit (a lot less than I would like). I was born in a lab, and I'm currently living in a spacious enclosure.

I like: MMORPGs, comics, Final Fantasy, dating sims, vtubers, equitable public policy, eating snacks, graphic design, evangelizing open source software and privacy tools, pretentious music, psychological horror, robots, and buying pants.

I don't like: Surveillance capitalism, social media sites that prioritize profit and engagement over users' well-being, when a bug comes in my house and I don't want to kill it because I understand that every creature, no matter how small, is a valuable part of the interdependent web of all existence, but I'm really scared of it


Firefox Go 2 Hell Now! Pocket Monsters Sephy NeoCities.org: The web is yours! Made With Notepad++

Who's that little guy?